I wanted to start off by saying Thank You! so much for checking out my web site. I really appreciate your time. It is something that I promised myself when I first decided to start this on my owe. Was to do it my way. To only do things with purpose. Not to just do something because its the perception of what is expected to be done. Sometimes in the branding world you can get caught up in all the buzz words and overthinking. What will always work is authenticity. Being yourself and doing what your gut is telling you to do. Don't get me wrong I live in the numbers and do my fair share of data research and analytics. I just find the most satisfaction when I follow my gut (whether it comes to creative ideas or deciding which people to work with) and it works out. That intuition has always served me best.
So when it came to me starting my own company one of my main pillars that I want to build around is authenticity. It's one of the main reasons why I choice to go with Chris Rufle Branding as the name of the company I really didn't want to come up with this big fancy name and hide behind a corporate perception just to try to oversell what it is we are actually doing here. I am so passionate about helping people grow their brands, I want it to feel like a collaboration. I feel when it comes to your company and your over brand imagine it properly feels like your baby. You have put countless time, money, and energy into it. Why put that trust into someone's hands who isn't going to have that same level of care for it as you.
You can find a ton of design shops that will pop out a logo and color scheme for you. Based off what you answered on their little questionnaire. They will probably will take that then "create" something that is trending right now on pinterest or an idea that worked from a previous customer that's in your same field. But what I am trying to do is create off of authenticity and purpose. What is going to work long term and go beyond current trends and buzz words. No magic tricks or fluff. Let's get down to what the real purpose of what we are trying to accomplish. I promise to be just as invested in the results as you. I never want it to feel like a faceless/voiceless transaction. If you succeed, I succeed. Rising tides raise all boats.
I really appreciate you reading this first post. I hope to keep this up as much as possible. Sometime it can be a rant like this one. Maybe it can be a case study about an interesting brand and how we can learn from their success. I also hope to share as much tips and guidelines has I can put on here. This is a great form to go into more detail and a strong opportunity to express my individuality.
Let me leave you with these few notes from this rant:
Always be Authentic
Create with a purpose
Be Passionate
Trust your gut
Live with no regrets
And of course always be Appreciative
Once again thank you so much for your time. I would genuinely appreciate your feedback and insight. Email me any time at chris@chrisruflebranding.com
Chris Rufle